divendres, 28 de novembre del 2008

Orals presentations!

Oriol: humour in spanish tv. Examples: Cruz y raya and Los morancos. In TV3: Plats Bruts, Polonia, Crackovia, APM, Vinagre... In Telecinco: CQC, Aida, Escenas de Matrimonio... In Cuatro: Friends, Estas no son las noticias, El hormiguero... In La Sexta: Se lo que hicisteis, Buenafuente, Family Guy...
I like it because I see most of theses programs or series and OÍ laugh a lot. Because of that, I really liked Edbthis topic. His pronuntation was good.

Chainez and Fiona: they talked about sitcomes. Tv series orginated in radio. They talked about what,s a sitcome and more examples. They talked about Cosby Show(1984), The Twilight (1959-2003), Fresh Prince (1990-1996) with Will Smith, and American Dad, (2005), by Seth MacFarlane.
This presentation was really good. Their pronuntation was really good and I liked it a lot.

Elisenda and Laia Salo: They talked about the realtionship between Darcy and Elisabeth. They described Elisabeth(prejudice of Mr Darcy, medium class) and Darcy (an unsociable man of upperclass and he is proud). they talked about the first meeting, the second meeting(when he helps her and touch her hand), third meeting(in the ball room), the fourth meeting(in Kent, he shows his feelings to Lizzy), the Fifth meeting(in Pemberley) and the Sexth meeting(in Longbourn).
I liked this topic because they talked about the love and it is really nice. Their pronuntation was good.

Neus and Marina Julia: They talked about love. Types of love: arranged marriages(Mr Collins and Charlotte), love at first sight(Bingley and Jane) and hate becomes love (Darcy and Elisabeth). Actually, there is the platonic love. Also they talked about Definitely, maybe, a really nice film, finally they put a trailer of Love Actually.
I liked this topic, because all the people feels love to someone else and it,s really nice to talk about them. Their prountation was good.

Marina Sarquella: she talked about love, reputation and class. Love: society influences in love(Ex: Collins and Charlotte), it's one of the most important work of English literature.
Reputation: a woman was ecpected to behave in certain ways.
Class: is related to reputation. Importance of class: Mr Darcy, Miss Bingley, Mr Collins and Wickam.
Her pronuntation was good. She didn't read from her notes. I liked it.

Adrià Carmona: he talked about the types of humour: verbal, physical, visual.
Verbal: comic adviser, blue humour, bull, epigram, irony.
Physical: slpastick, clowning.
And visual.
I really liked it because it was a funny presentation. his pronuntation was really good and the didn't read form his notes.

Alejandro Peña: He talked about Buenafuente. Tv channels: TV3, La cosa nostra; Antena 3, La Sexta. And also worked in the radio(cope of Reus and Ser) The Shows started witha monologue and we can't structure it!
His favourite sections is El Follnero and Bertovision.
I liked this presentation, because on the summer I watched every day Buenafuente. His pronuntaition was good but he read a little bit from his notes.

Adrià Alfaro: he talked about The Simpsons: satirical sitcome. Created by Matt Groening in
1989. Main characters: Homer(stupid and alcoholic), March(oppostie of Homer, clever), Bart(a great troublemaker), Liza(very intelligent) and Maggie. Second characters: Abraham Simpsons, Brandy, Lenny and Carl and Moe. Sripingfield is based in Portland.
his pronuntation was good and it was really funny. I really like his oral presentation.

Anna and Miriam: they talked about how to be a gentleman like Mr Darcy in our days. They adapted the behaviour of Mr Darcy to nowadays. They talked about how a gentleman has to be in a dinner. And also they put a video of the rules of dinner.
It was good, maybe it was short. But it was really interessant. I liked their oral presentation.

Carles and Clàudia: they talked about weddings around the world: indian weddings, arabian weddings.
Indian weddings: it beganing at night and finishes with a breakfast.
Arabian weddings: has a lot of partys etc.
Their pronuntation were really good and I really liked their oral presentation. It was very interessant because I didn't know anything about the weddings in the indian and arabian cultures. And also they didn't read from their notes.

Baldiri, Iñaki and Bernat: they talked about the life in 19th century and also about Pride and Prejudice. About the jobs and techonolgy, education, housing, food, clothing, society and costums and the conclusion. They put a video of Pride and Prejudice.
Their presentation was really good, I liked it a lot, it was very interessant. Their pronutation was good and they didn't read from their notes.

dijous, 27 de novembre del 2008


Now I'm going to talk you about the computers and about the modern times. Are the computers necessary to our lives?
On the one hand, I think that we can find the information quickly with Internet. Also, the technology industry gives work to a lot of people.

But, on the other hand, I think that there are a lot of people that have "technologydependence", that the first thing that they do when they arrive at home is turning on the computer, or the Play Station 2, Play Station 3, Play Station Portable and other ones.
I also think that we don't need tecnology to survive, it isn't a need. The society makes it a need.
It's true that it gives work to many people and because of that nobody wants to be a farmer and we need farmers, because they provide us the raw material that we need tu survive.

Self- evaluation

1- watch your presentation and answer the following questions:
The literary movements of the 18th and 19th centuries.

-Did you use any resources? Were the recources elegant and attractive?

To do this presentation I had to search the information, but I based my oral presentation on the knowledge that I have.

Body lenguage and eye contact:
-Did you look at your audience most of the time?

I think that I've done it.

-Did you read from your notes?
A little bit.

-Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
I think yes. I añways was moving my arms.

-Did you organize your ideas in order of importance?

I think that all I have said was important,and because of that I only have said the most important things.

-Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear?
Yes. I used "in other words" and similars.

-Did you use check your grammar?
-Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? yes
-Did you use sentences linkers? yes
-Did you use fillers?

Pronunciation & Intonation:
-Did you know how to pronunce all your words? Did you ckeck a pronuntiation with a dictionary, a classmate, or a teacher
Most of them, the others I check it with a dictionary and a classmate.

Did you change your tone of voice or use monotone tone all the time? did you speed in a fluis continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
I tink that I didn't change my tone of voice but the presentation was flowed.

dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2008

First Oral Presentation

Hello everybody!!
As you know Jane Austen was born in 1775 and she died in 1817.
But I won't to talk you about Jane Austen's life, but I'm going to talk you about the literary movements that there are in the 18th and 19th centuries.

18th century: Neoclassicism and Illustration
In the 18th century there is a very important movement, the Neoclassicism. It is based on the classical art(Greece and Rome). It appears in opposition to the Baroque and Rococo. Its characteristics are:
- the reason is more important than the feelings.
- the works have to be teaching.
- they don't like poetry because it expresses feelings.
- the theatre has to do the three units: action, time and place.
- the favourite genre is the essay.
This movement is really influenced by the Illustration.
There was a very important wirter and philosopher, Jean - Jaques Rousseau, and he said that the society of this period made the wickedness of all the people. And the only way to transform the mankind was the education, an education system base on the reason.
But this is only for man. Rousseau and the ohter philosophers thought that the woman had an others obligations, in other words, they exclude the women of their education plans.
They thought that the women had to be educated to be a good wife and a good mother. And also the women had to be accomplished. Because, without that, they didn't find husband and it was one of the most aims in woman's life in 18th century.
But Jane Austen wanted a more liberal educatin for the women. Opinions that are reflected on her works. This is an evidence of the Romanticism.
In this century there are a lot of important philosophers like: Voltaire, Diderot, Hume, Kant etc.
And also there are a lot of important writers like: Goethe or Gray.

19th century: Romanticism
In the 19century there was another important literary movement, The Romanticism.
It characteristics are:
- feelings are more important than the reason.
- Idea of liberalism.
- they are imperfect and unfinished works, with open ends.
The romantics broke with the rules which reduce their freedom. They wanted to find the superstition, sinister places etc.
They didn't write about Greece and Rome, but they wrote with a nationalist spirit. For example: Jane Austen wrote about a society that she knew perfectly.
They thougth that the feelings were really important and because of that they wrote stories in which the feelings have a very important role, and the characters wanted to express them. For example: Pride and Prejudice talks about th feelings of Elisabeth and Darcy, Jane and Bingley, Lydia and Wickam and they wanted to express them to each other.
There are a lot of important writers in all Europe:
In France: Zola, Flaubert.
In Spain: Beneito Pérez Galdós and Leopoldo Alas "Clarín".
In UK: Charles Dickens.
In Russia: Dostoievski and Tolstoi.
In the Romanticism, we can find literary movements like realism or naturalism.
- Naturalism: Proponents of this movement believe heredity and environment control people. Writers: Zola and Crane.
- Realism: this movement is based in the reality of people. They write about the poverty and day by day problems. Writers: Flaubert, Tolstoi and Honoré de Balzac.
These are the most important movements, but also there are other ones like nationalism and symbolism.

dilluns, 10 de novembre del 2008


Is humour necessary to survive ??
Humour is a human quality that has a very important influence in our lives.
On the one hand, I think if you have bad times in your life, you have to laugh a little bit. It will make you feel better.
If you have a good time in your life, you always are laughing, and you are positive an smiling. I believe that we work better if we are in a bad mood. I can confirm it because there are many experiments about that.
On the other hand, I think that there are many situations which we can't be smiling or positive, because they aren't funny.
In conclusion, I believe that humour is essential in our lives to survive. Without humour we can't face day by day problems.

divendres, 17 d’octubre del 2008

Books and lovers unite

In this time of the year, there is, in Catalonia, Sant Jordi. The boys buy a rose for a girl, and the girl buy a book fora boy. It's the time of the books and the love.It's one day, the 23th April.
People always enjoying this day. But apart from the books and the roses, Barcelona(because only Catalonia celebrate this holiday) offers a variety of activities to complement the literary and floral festival. There you can find a best sellers like a books from Alessandro Baricco, classic like a book from Mercè Rodoreda etc.
Also coincide with the Comic Book Fair, in Gràcia there is the Trobada dels il·lustrats. With this holiday we promote the reading between the young people.
This day symbolizes the love.
In conlcusion, I can only say that I really enjoy this day, I don't know why, but in Catalonia this day it's really important in a couple, because they can show thier love each other.

Theatre without words

From October 22-26, Reus becomes the capital of mime and gesture theatre, because on 11th of 2008 was the Festival Internacional de mim i teatre gestual. It had 22 companies and 24 shows.
The Catalan actor Albert Vidal was the top of the bill, presenting one of the most shows Joan de l'Ós at Teatre Fortuny. It was a homage to traditional Catalan culture and specially to Joan Amades volume of rondalles. The objective was to show the beauty of Catalan language through gestures.
Other highlights include the presence of the Polish Teatre Wegejty and the French Le Lutin Théâtre d'Images. But a 60% of the companies were Catalan with highlights Iu&Sophie, students from Institut L'Abric and Rasatabula.
I think it was really interesting because the Catalan culture its really extensive, and this it's a good way to show it. I think it's fantastic, I would like to go there.

dimecres, 8 d’octubre del 2008

A joke !

a joke.wav

A joke! :
an Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman are driving through the desert when the car breaks down. So they have got to get out.
The Englishman takes a bottle of wind, the Scotsman takes an umbrella and the Irishman takes a car door. On the way they meet a man. He says to the Englishman:"I konw why you take a bottle of wind, you can drink if you're thirsty", and he says to the Scotsman:"I know why you take and umbrella, to keep the sun off you", but he says to the Irishman:"but I don't know why you take a car door", and the Irishman replies:"if I'm hot I can wind the window down".

dijous, 2 d’octubre del 2008

Dialogue - At the party


Michelle: And where is the party?
Jane: I think it's in Figueres, but I don't know at which time it start.
Anne: Yes, it's at one a.m.
(At the party...)
Jane: It's a nice party, there are a lot of nice boys.
Michelle: Yes, I've seen one for you, and th music is pretty cool.
Jane: I've find the perfect one for you and an other one for Anne.
Michelle: And... where is Anne?
Jane: I don't have any idea, let's take a round.
Michelle: Don't worry. I think that she's with a boy.
Jane: No, I don't think so, because she would senf us an sms.
Michelle: Than let's go for some drink, maybe she's there.
Jane: Look at her, she's there!
Michelle: Yes, but what she's doing?
Anne:(singing)Scuby doby dooo .... where are you?
Jane: Anne...?
Anne: so..... who are you?
Michelle: Anne please!!
Anne: ¡Ah! Hey girls! how you are? Where were you?
Scuby doby dooo.... na na na na !!!
Jane: Where you was?
Michelle: We were looking for you !
Anne: Slow down! I was at the bar, with my friend, the beer. Do you want to know him?
Michelle:No! I don't like it!
Jane: Me neither.
Anne: Ohhhh!... Come on!
Michelle: Noo!
Jane: And we go home! You are drunked!
Anne: No! I don't! And I don't want to go home, I want to stay here and... stay with you! I am happy and I want for more party! Come on girls! The music is good and the people are nice here!
( ... )
mmm.....huum....ok, I go to say goodbbye to the beer!
Jane: No!
Michelle: Come on, let's home!


divendres, 26 de setembre del 2008

Catalonia Today, Barcelona's new signing

Barcelona's new signing

This is an interview to Andre Barret. He arrives from US. and he decided to play in Europe, in Barcelona. He says that Europe is an excellent opportunity for him. Also he says that Barça it's a really strong team and it has a very important tradition.
It's true that the competion it's a little different, but at the end of the day it's just basketball.
Barret says that all the players feel the pressure in the changing room, but when they step the floor of the sports hall the pressure desappear.
He says that he only makes baskets if the team need it. He likes to do the work of the basis: do a lot of assistances, good steps etc.
He only thinks what's the better for the team, and play really hard in all the trainings and all the matches. But we will see what happens. Also he thinks about win matches, go the Final Four, win the ACB. He knows that get all these things will be really difficult, but he'll play really hard.
And he loves Barcelona, he says it's a really nice city.

dijous, 25 de setembre del 2008

My description!

Hi Lourdes!!

This year I started to train basketball at the end of July. Now I'm playing in Roses and in Castelló, yeah, with two teams. I train five days a week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and two on Friday. At the weekend I play two matches, one with Roses and one with Esplais, Castelló. This Saturday I play with Rosas vs. Salt, and on Sunday I play in Lloret de Mar with Esplais. I'm sure that on Sunday's night I will be really tired!!! But, I love this game, this sport excites me ... jajaj

I know that I'm studying 2ond of "batxillerat", even so I will study very hard. I'm studying Greek and Latin, and Catalan literature etc... I like what I'm studying and I know that it's difficult, so I study really hard, and next year go to university. I don't know what I'll do next year yet. But I have time to decide it. Maybe I'll study History, or classical philology, I don't know. jaja

I'm happy to start the school, because I see all my friends again, after the summer. I didn't work this summer, but I do my "treball de recerca". My "tdr" is about the Jewish culture in Castelló d'Empúries. I decided for this subject because my house's a synagogue. It's true!!! My grandfather found a tile with a date of 1361..I don't remeber exactly the date, but mor or lees... from XIV century. I love the History. :):)

Ariadna Comas

dissabte, 7 de juny del 2008


Observing your portfolio, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2007? Where, for example?
I think yes. Maybe in my pronuntaion and my writing, because I had learnt a lot of new words.

Which activity best shows your level of English?
I think that the orals presentations. It shows very good my level of English.

Which activities were USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think the blog and the dialogues.

Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
I think the portfolio, because there we put all the work we have done in class...and if we do in class, why we have to put it in the portfolio again?

Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?
I think the orals presentations and the dialogues, there are so funny and really good for our learning, in my opinion.

Orals presentations

Elisenda and Laia Saló: they talked about abandoing pets. Nowadays there are some asosiation to helo them. // Do you think we can change this situation? // It was really interesting.

Marina S: She talked about natural desastres. Avalanches mudflow, vulcanic eruptions, floods, limnic eruption, tsunamis, blizzards, drougths and fires. // Why do you choose this topic? // Very good.

Adrià Alfaro: he talked about skinheads. Their history, ideologies and clothes. // Do you like to become a skinhead? //Really good.

Neus and Marina J: They talked about diseases: cancer, AIDS, bulimia, anorexia. And also they showed us an anorexia effects to our body. // Do you know somebody who suffer bulimia? // It was interesting.

Adrià C and Alejandro: they talked about the waste. There are rubbish in the streets. Materials: plastic bags, condoms, batteries, cigarettes etc... // Do you believe we can find a solution fot his problem? // Really good.

Carles and Claudia: they talked about drugs. They started with a dialogue. It started in 60s. There were some people who died because of the drugs. The drugs are really expansive. // Do you take drugs? // Really interesting.

Baldiri: He talked about the hooliganism. The ethimology is from Patrick Hooligan. He talked about football hooliganism. It is very useful in Europe and Latin America. // Why do you choose this topic? // Good

Anna and Miriam: they talked about poverty and patronage. 20% of the population controls 83% of the wealth. And also they talked about ONG Vicenç Ferrer. // Do you think we can change that? // Good, really interesting.

Oriol: he talked about the water. The people waste a lot of water? // Do you think that this situation can change? // Really interesting-

Chainez: she talked about the poverty. // What we can do to help these people? // Good.

OLIVER TWIST by Roman Polanski

OLIVER TWIST by Roman Polanski

Oliver was a boy who lives in a orphanage. Oliver and his friends were straving. Later, Oliver went to work with Sowerberry, a gravedigger. But he argued with a boy in the house and he escaped.

He waked a lot and tired and enthusiastically, he arrived to Londres. There, he knew a boy who is called Arthful Dodger and he offer to Oliver a place which he could slept.

But Arthful is not a normal boy, he is a criminal and he showed to Oliver how to do it. With Arthful, Oliver knew another boys who worked for a criminal.

But finally the criminal died, and all the boys were free, also Oliver Twist.

I think it is a really good film and I recomend to you to look it. But I have to say that the book is better. Roman Polanski is a very good director and this film too. I see it a lot of times!! jeje
So that you have an idea about Polanski, I tell you that he also directed another film, The Pianist.

extraterrestrial dialogue

Sope: what's this world? I never had seen a world like this. Do you know what is it?
Sate: Wait a minute, I'm going to look it up.
(A few minutes later...)
Sate: Oh! Here! I find it! This world is the Earth. The enciclpoedy says that the Earth have a lot of water, but people who live here waste it a lot.
Sope: Oh! It's horrible! How can they do this?
Sate: I don't know... and look here. It also says that there are a lot os exotic animals, but they are in danger of extinction.
Sope: What are exotic animals? Like us? With three eyes, four legs and four arms and with a very big mouth?
Sate: I think that they only have two legs and two mouths, bu they also have four arms, like us. But if you wait a minute I will look it up.
(Sope look up what are exotic animals)
Sope: Go quickly! I am so hungry!
Sate: Here! Exotic animals... oh!...
Sope: What happen?
Sate: The enciclopedy only says that they are in danger of extinction.
Sope: It doesn't matter Sate. Now, I only can think in food, because I am very hungry. Do you?
Sate: Yes, I am hungry too. What can we eat? We haven't got meet.
Sope: We are going to the Earth. Here, there are a lot of meet. We can eat them.
Sate: Yes, it's true. The people who live in this world eat a lof of meet of pigs, goats etc...
Sope: But we love animals. We can't eat them.
Sate: But people, the humans, are meet. We can eat them.
Sope: Yes! Come on!
(They arrive at the Earth, and they land in the middle of a park)
Sope: What we are?
Sate: I think it is a park. But I'm not sure.
(Sope is eating a tree...)
Sope: Yes... we can eat trees...but I think the meet of people could be better.
(Sope continues eating trees and Sate find a couple)
Sate: It seems very delicious.
(And later Sate eat them)
Sate: I'm right. They had been really delicious.
Sope: What are you eating?
Sate: I ate two humans.
(The police went to the park and Sate and Sope have to leave the world)
Sope: These people are so agressive... Where are we going to?
Sate: To Pluton. We can eat ice-creams there.


Doing exams

Doing exams

It is true that it is important for us, because if we don't do the exams, the teachers can't evaluate us.
In the one hand I think that when the students have a lot of exams, one exam per day, they will be very stressed.
The students have a lot of work in their own houses and also they have a lot of homework and I think they can't do all these work.
In the other hand, I disagree about one thing. When the teachers know we have a lot of exams, they can try to put a little bit of homework.
In conclusion, I agree with one thing. The teachers have to evaluate us, and the way to do it, is donig exams.

divendres, 6 de juny del 2008

Oral presentation 3

(Robert, I don't know what happen, but I can't put the video of my oral presentation)

Animal mistreatness

Hello everybody! Today I will talk you about the animal mistreatness.
I have to say that I didn’t put some photos because it’s sad and very pitiful.
People only worry about their animals, but the others, what? All of them say that they can’t stand the animal mistreatness, but nobody does anything.
There are some ways to mistreat the animals:
1) Some animals are abandoned, either in the middle of the mountain or of a big city. Even there are some of them that are abandoned in their own house, because they don’t have food, water, hygiene or attention....
2) There are a lot of poachers that kill the animals to get their fur and obtaining benefits. The poachers haven’t got scruples and they only hunt for entertainment and they only get to damage the animal fauna. Because of that there are some animals in danger of extinction. A lot of them have died. But nowadays, a lot of governments put laws for avoiding it.
3) Experimentation with animals: every year, thousand of animals are used and sacrificed for experimental intentions, in the name of the science and the research. This includes: pharmacological industry, medical, chemical, food, biogenetics, veterinary ... In Europe, the annual figure is more than 11.000.000. In USA, it is more than 100 millions.
Examples of the animals with which they experiment: dogs, horses, birds, fishes, rats, goats, primates...
With this video you will see what means what I have told you. (veure video)
4) Acts of entertainment: there are illegal fights of dogs because their owners think that it is funny, but it isn’t. At first, the owners train the dogs or cocks and afterwards they prepare the fights. The men who train them don’t have scruples and because of that, some dogs become aggressive and unbalanced animals. During the fights, the public throw objects to the animals so they follow the fight. The owners close the animals in a ring. The fight finishes when one of the animals is casualty or exhausted. If the losing one has been humiliated, the owner can decide to kill the animals by a shot or cutting their neck. But, some of the winners die because of the injuries.

I put an example for you so that you check that everybody does this: the King of Spain made a polar bear drunk. The organizings of hunting gave to polar bear vodka with honey. The King was be able to kill Mitrofan, the polar bear in captivity, with a shot.

There are some charities to defend the rights of the animals. One of the most famous is PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals).
It is one of the greatest organizations in the world. It was set up in 1980. PETA is dedicated to establish and defend the rights of all animals. PETA promotes kind treatment of animals. Its philosophy is: “the animals aren’t ours to eat, wear, to do experiments or to be used for entertainment. “ If you want to be a member of them you can go on their site.

(I think my oral presentation was good, because it is topic of present. Maybe my pronuntation wasn't very good, because I have a very catalan accent, but the vocabulary I think it was good. I think it is a very good topic to talk about, because a lot of people have animals in their own houses)

dimecres, 28 de maig del 2008

Our world

I think that we haven't learnt to respect the world.

Because of the new tecnologies, the waste of the water and electricity and we cause the global warming, etc.

It is true that today we think more in our planet but we don't know how to save it, even though we try it. I also think that we throw a lot of rubbish at the sea, and it is a porve that we don't respect the world.

There is poverty in not developed countries and we don't think about them. But there are some NGO's to help these people. I also think that we cut down a lot of trees, and if there aren't trees we will extinct.

All these things show us that we don't respect our world and the environment. I think that every time there is more pollution and it is going worst.

dimarts, 22 d’abril del 2008

...the acrostic about Sant Jordi...

He is a knight. riding
A white horse. He came from a
Pathway full of trees and bushes. When he saw a
Princess, he fell in love.
In the fight, he killed the dragon
Near the castle. At the
End of the fight, roses grows from the dragon. The king was really
Surprised about that but he felt relaxed.
So, all of them were happy.

dimecres, 19 de març del 2008

...Orals presentations...

Name // Facts // Questions // General Impresion
Marina S: Ireland.Parts of Ireland. It have two languages. She also talk about the leprechauns. The clover is a symbol of Ireland. //Would you live in Ireland?//Good

Alejandro and Adrià: Anglosaxon food and culture. They talk about the meals. The pack of lunch is typical in U.K. Traditional dishes: fish and chips, chocolate cakes... In USA, the lunch is fast food, dinner is pizza, meat or vegetables. And finally they say how to prepare chilly and chedder sandwiches.// Have you tasted the english or american meal? //Good

Oriol and Iñaki: They talk about Rooney and football. Also about Premier League. Rooney was born in Liverpool, 1985. He has an individual honours. He plays in Manchestar United and with the National Team of England. He is a very problematic player. //Why do you choose Rooney to talk about and not about another english player?//Good

Bernat: He talks about Republic of South Africa. It have three capitals: Pretoria, Bloemfonten and Captown. Also he talks about the history of this country and about Mandela Rule’s. //What you visited in South Africa?//Good. Really interesting.

Baldiri: He talks about Republic of India. At first, its geography and demography. The most important cities are Bombai and Nova Delhi. The religion: hinduism and islam. In India is typical: cricket and hoquei. //Will you go to India? //It’s short but good.

Miriam: She talks about Alaska. It’s a state of America. It’s situated in north east of the continent. The most used transport is the sledge. Alaskais a natural reserue for many species of animals. //Why do you choose Alaska to talk about? //Very good.

Anna: She talks about Scotland. The music is more different than other countries; bagpipes. Sports: rugby. Colthes: the kilts. It have two languages. And finally she talks about Paolo Nuttini. //Would you like to go to Scotland? //Good.

Marina J. and Neus: They talk about California State: Hollywood and the Oscars. It is situated in the west. Hollywood is important for the films. Hollywood have a lot of places: Kodak Theatre, Universal Studios... and also they talk about the winner of the Oscars: Will Smith with “I am legend”. And Chad Michael Murray. //Have you ever played surf? //Good.

Carles and Claudia: They talk about England, London. They talk about Harrods, London eye, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Lesiure zones... And also they visited the Wax Museum. //Will you come bach to London? //Good.

Adrià Alfaro: He talks about Uinted States Championship. Its history. Former champions records(Lex Luger, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, Terry Funk, Ashley) and some curiosities. //Why do you choose this topic? //Good.

Elisenda and Laia Saló: They talk about English meal. An introduction, meal times(breakfast, lunch, tea,dinner). Dinner and breakfast are the most important meals of the day. They told something about typical dishes. The traditional dishes are desserts. //Which meal do you think is the most important: breakfast, lunch or dinner? //Good.

dimarts, 18 de març del 2008

..Is it love?...

He or she is always in your mind. But is it the real thing?
there are some tell-tale love signs: is he or she checking your horoscope, if he or she leads the clothes you like... But the most sign of love is when he or she tells you:'I love you'.
but what is the next?
The next is share the love. But don't feel hurry into having sex with him.
And remember that: the love always doesn't last forever.


To get a lifetime tou have to change your habits.
- walk and climb stairs.
- Work up a sweat 20 minutes a 3 days a week.
- Be active one hour a day, 5 days a week.
We some ways to do right fitness:
- Rope in a friend.
- Build up slowly.
- Reward yourself.
- Take care.


Living and dying are part of our life cycle.
You have grief when someone you care about dies. People have grief so different from the others. But there are common feelings: numbness, guilt, frustration, depressed and tiredness.
We never forget the person who is died. So the first year is the hardest for everybody. But gradually you feel better, doesn't mean that you loved them any less.
It's not easy to overcame the problems but you have some ways to do it. To feel better you can talking with someone else, to overcome your problms.

dilluns, 17 de març del 2008


Virginity is when you haven't had sex (sexual intercouse). And you lost the virginity, olny when you have sex for the first time.
You are still virgin when:
1)you have had sex when his penis is inside your vagina for a second or if he didn't ejaculate.
2)Masturbating, using tampons or being fingered by someone else doesn't mean that you lsot the virginity.
You are individual and nobady hava to say to you what's right and what's worng for you.


Alcohol is made by a fermenting fruits, vegetables or grains.

Most people say that they drink alcohol because it mades feel happy, relaxed...But it also made feels agressive, clumsy and forgetful.

Alcohol is the most common date rape drug.

Long-term it made a dependence for it, and when you are in this way, youa re called alcoholic.

In the U.K. it's illegal to drink or buy alcohol if you are under 18.

dilluns, 10 de març del 2008

divendres, 7 de març del 2008

...my best friend...

Now I want to describe my best friend.
She is a very special person for me. Always she help me with my problems and I grateful her. She never thinks in her, always she thinks in the others. She works a lot all the day, in her home, and she coach a team. When I am with her I laugh a lot. She is a very very good person. She looks after so much to their familiy.
She loves basketball. When she was young she played this sport, and now she coach a team. Her husband also had trained a team and he won the Cup of the league.
And finally, I have to say that I love him.

My best friend is my mum!!!

dimarts, 26 de febrer del 2008

...funny dialogue...

An elephant and an ant meet near the river. The elephant was walking when the ant shouted:
Ant- Heeeeeey! Stop! Be careful!
Elephant - Who is this?
A- It's me! Here! Down at your feet. You were going to step me!
E- Oh, I'm sorry. What are you doing here?
A- I am looking for food and you are stepping my way. Can you put out your leg from here?
E- I am bigger than you. Why should I do what you want?
A- Because I am more intelligent than you...
E- That's not true.
A- Yes!
E- No"
A- Yes!
Turtle- Eeeiii! Shut up! I want to sleep!
E- Eingg?? What's up? The stone is talking!
A- No! It's a mountain!
T- Shut up! I'm a turtle! Haven't you ever seen a turtle?
E- What's a turtle? I don't know what is a turtle...
A- I will tell you it: it is an animal with a big shell and four legs. It eats wild herbs but some of them eat meat. What do you eat?
T- I usually eat herbs or meat, but sometimes I eat ants, it's ok?
A- Noooooooo!
T- don't worry, I was joking.
E- Really?
T- Yes, I don't eat ants, I eat elephants.
A- Woowww! Like me!
E- I am getting angry! Very furious! With turtles peaple make soup. Do you want to be in a soup?
T- Mmmm...I like soups!
Suddenly a mole appears from the soil.
Mole- What's going on? You! Big guy, you are stepping on my place, my home is falling down!
E- It's not me! It's the ant!
M- And what the hole are you doing ant?
A- Such a beautiful day!
Giraffe- Yes, very nice. Don't you think?
T- Eingg? Where do you came from?
G- I have seen everything and the ant is stepping the mole's house.
A- Wooww! The tree is talking!
G- Shut up snitch!
A few moments later the giraffe hit hte tree and a lot of pineapples fall from the tree hitting the elephant's head and killing him.
The elephant fall on the mole killing him too.
T- mmm....We have a dinner now!
G- How do you prefer that, rare or well done?
G- Well done, if it's possible with chips.
T- Yes, and an apple on the mouth.
Yes, It was a great cook diner. They washed the elephant and the mole in the river and ate them after cooking.
They spent the afternoon talking about football and after a lot of hours the turtle said:
T- Aren't you hungry?
G and A- Yes! A lot!
T- But we eaten a lot.
G and A- Yes, ok.
T- We can eat something like....and ant?
A- Nooooo!
T- So... a Giraffe?
G- Nooooo!
T- Maybe.... a turtle?
G and A- Yeeessss!!!
T- But I don't want to eat turtle now!
G and A- Bue we want that.
Then they killed the turtle and they made a delicious turtle soup.
A- Mmmm....that soup was great...
G- Yes, but I want to tell you a secret. Came here, on the top of the tree.
The ant climbed the tree and when it was on the top, near the Giraff's head:
G- Fffff (blowing)
The ant fall to the floor and died.
G- (singing) Mmmmm..... I am aloneee....

dilluns, 25 de febrer del 2008


- At the beganing of the film the Capitan doesn't saw a Frankesntein and Vícotr with a sledge.
- In the film, Víctor only have one brother and in the story of Mary Shelly, Víctor has two brothers.
- The mother of Víctor died because and illness and in the film, she died when Víctor borns.
- In the film, Justin was hung and in the book she died in prison.
- In the book, Henry and Vïctor were friends since thier chilhood and in the film they met at the university.
- In the film Herny died and in the book Mary Shelly never said that.
- In the book Elizabeth was strangled and in the film, the monster pull out her heart.
- At the end of the film, the monster dead in a bonfire and in the book she never said that the monster died. She only said how he want to die.
- In the film the monster burn the diary of Víctor and in the book it isn't true.


We have already had the photographies of our travel in Alaska. It is a wonderful memories.

That day, the sun begans to hide between the white mountains. At the plain there was a big polar bear walking on the snowy land. Suddenly, it stopped next to the water for drink.

But we only got the photograph, nothing else.

The magic moment disappeared when the ducks opened their wings and they started theri flight to the sky.
When I look the photo I feel good, the polar bear in the middle of the mountains....it is a really nice picture.

dissabte, 23 de febrer del 2008

The Formal Letter...

Los Biblos street,55
Empuria brava
13th of February 2008
Headmaster, Mrs Pintó
Ies catellod'empuries
Sreet rentador

Dear Mrs Pintó,

I am a student of secondary school in Ies CAstelló d'Emprúries and I am writing to comment on different matters.

On one hand, I want to point that the level of studies in this high school is quite good, the teaching staff is professional and the lessons atmosphere is pleasant.

But on the other hand the building is dull, both the inside and outside walls. It need to be more colourful and maybe some window fences are unnecessary.

In my pinion, this little detail is important to give liveliness to the building. Because as it is now, it's look more a prison than a school.

I am looking forward to get a response.

Your's sincerely,
Ariadna Comas

dimarts, 19 de febrer del 2008


2Oral presentation

Chanez: Usually when we talk about Australia we use to think automaticly about kangaroos but is not only this.
Me: Australia is one of the most riches land in the world. And today we want to introduce you this beautiful land whose official name is Commomwealth of Australia.
Chanez: It capital is Canberra. It population it's about aproximatly 20 millions of habitans and it oficial language is the English but there are more then 200 aborigenous languages.
Me: The name "Australia" is derived from the Latin Australis, meaning "Southern". Legends of an "unknown land of the south"date back to Roman times and were commonplace in medieval geography.
Chanez: Australia has six states, two major territories, and other minor teriitories. The states are New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. The two major mainland territories are the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.
Me: The msot popular city in Australia is Sydney who is a major international tourist destination notable for its beaches and twin landmarks: the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. The metropolitan area is surrounded by national parks, and contains many bays, rivers and inlets.
Chanez: Australia also has several minor territories; like New South Wales, the Jervis Bay Territory. In addition Australia has the following, inhabited, external territories: Norfolk Island, Christmas Island, Cocos Island.

Me: Australia has no official language, it is largely monolingual with English being the national language. Australian English has much less internal dialectal variation than either British or American English. It has also 200 indigenous languages.
Chanez: There were about 250 languages spokeb by Indigenous Australians before to the arrival of Europeans. Most of these are now either extinct, with only about twenty languages still being learnt by new generations.
The languages with the most speakers today are Arrente, Kala Lagaw Ya, Tiwi, Walmajarri, Warlpiri, and the Western Desert language.
Me: The Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne was the first building in Australia to be listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2004. Since 1788, the primary basis of Australian culture has been Anglo-Celtic, and by the indigenous culture. But the australian culture has also been strongly influenced by American popular culture. The vigour and originality of the arts in Australia- literature, cinema, opera, music, painting, theatre, dance and crafts- have achieved international recognition.
Chanez: Australian visual arta have a long history, starting with the cave and bark paintings of its indigenous peoples. Landscapes has too their importance in the art, seen for example in the works of Arthur Streeton and Albert Namatjira.
Australia's film industry has achieved many critical and commercial successes. Contemporary Australian cinema is more complex and diverse than ever, exploring Australian peoples and cultures from a diverse range of viewpoints in recent films such as Looking for Alibrandi, Two Hands, The Boys...
Me: Sport plays an important part in Australian culture, assisted by a climate that favours outdoor activities; and to organise sporting activities. At an international level, Australia has particularly strong teams in cricket, hockey , netball, rugby league, and rugby union, and it performs well in cycling, rowing, and swimming. Nationally, other famous popular sports is the horse racing, soccer, and motor racing.
Chanez: Australia has participated in every summer Olympic Games of the modern era, and every Commonwealth Games. Australia hosted the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne and the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, and has ranked among the top five medal-takers since 2000. Australia has also hosted the 1938, 1962, 1982, and 2006 Commonwealth Games.
Me: Other major international events held regularly in Australia include the Australian Open (one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments), annual international cricket matches, and the Formula One Australian Grand Prix.
Chanez: Australia has a lot of kind of music, the most important are:
Indigenous Australian music: has become a vehicle for social protest, and has been linked, by both performers and outsiders, with similar forms from Native Americans; Jamaican singer Bob Marley is often credited with helping to revive traditional Aboriginal music.
Me: Country music: Australia has a long tradition of country music, which has developed a style quite distinct from its U.S. . Waltzing Matilda, often regarded by foreigners as Australia's unofficial National anthem, is a quintessential Australian country song, influenced more by Celtic folk ballads than by American Country and Western music.
Chanez: Pop and rock: Australia has produced a wide variety of popular music. Some notable examples include the 1960s successes of The Easybeats and the folk-pop group The Seekers, through the heavy rock of AC/DC, Cold Chisel the slick pop of INXS, to Kylie Minogue, Silverchair and more recently Jet, Wolfmother, Eskimo Joe, Grinspoon, The Vines, The Living End and others are currently enjoying enormous success internationally.
Me: Classical Music: the first Australian musician of any sort to achieve international fame was operatic soprano Dame Nellie Melba in the late 19century.

Do you have any questions?

dimarts, 12 de febrer del 2008

...horror story...

...The mobile...
One day, I took my bag and I went to the school. The first class was Maths and I slept because it made me sleepy. After the classes Mary and I went to have lunch. We were at Oscar's Cafe. We had lunch peacefully. Then we went to school. I thought that when I arrived home I could go to sleep. But... when the classes finished I was in the toilet. I had not heard the bell, and when I didn't see anyone I was surprised. The wain door of the scool was always opened, but now... now it was closed. I was very frightened. The mobile phone began to ring. I looked at the screen and iy was black!!! I didin't answer the phone. I was very scared. The mobile phone begain to ring again. I thought that maybe it was my mother or Mary. I answered the phone and it was a man. His voice was very cold, deep. He said to me:
- You will die now!!-.
The day after, the caretaker found the girl. She was stoned: She was with her mobile phone in the ear, and.... some blood was dripping from the mobile.