dissabte, 7 de juny del 2008

OLIVER TWIST by Roman Polanski

OLIVER TWIST by Roman Polanski

Oliver was a boy who lives in a orphanage. Oliver and his friends were straving. Later, Oliver went to work with Sowerberry, a gravedigger. But he argued with a boy in the house and he escaped.

He waked a lot and tired and enthusiastically, he arrived to Londres. There, he knew a boy who is called Arthful Dodger and he offer to Oliver a place which he could slept.

But Arthful is not a normal boy, he is a criminal and he showed to Oliver how to do it. With Arthful, Oliver knew another boys who worked for a criminal.

But finally the criminal died, and all the boys were free, also Oliver Twist.

I think it is a really good film and I recomend to you to look it. But I have to say that the book is better. Roman Polanski is a very good director and this film too. I see it a lot of times!! jeje
So that you have an idea about Polanski, I tell you that he also directed another film, The Pianist.