dissabte, 7 de juny del 2008


Observing your portfolio, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2007? Where, for example?
I think yes. Maybe in my pronuntaion and my writing, because I had learnt a lot of new words.

Which activity best shows your level of English?
I think that the orals presentations. It shows very good my level of English.

Which activities were USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why?
I think the blog and the dialogues.

Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
I think the portfolio, because there we put all the work we have done in class...and if we do in class, why we have to put it in the portfolio again?

Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year?
I think the orals presentations and the dialogues, there are so funny and really good for our learning, in my opinion.

Orals presentations

Elisenda and Laia Saló: they talked about abandoing pets. Nowadays there are some asosiation to helo them. // Do you think we can change this situation? // It was really interesting.

Marina S: She talked about natural desastres. Avalanches mudflow, vulcanic eruptions, floods, limnic eruption, tsunamis, blizzards, drougths and fires. // Why do you choose this topic? // Very good.

Adrià Alfaro: he talked about skinheads. Their history, ideologies and clothes. // Do you like to become a skinhead? //Really good.

Neus and Marina J: They talked about diseases: cancer, AIDS, bulimia, anorexia. And also they showed us an anorexia effects to our body. // Do you know somebody who suffer bulimia? // It was interesting.

Adrià C and Alejandro: they talked about the waste. There are rubbish in the streets. Materials: plastic bags, condoms, batteries, cigarettes etc... // Do you believe we can find a solution fot his problem? // Really good.

Carles and Claudia: they talked about drugs. They started with a dialogue. It started in 60s. There were some people who died because of the drugs. The drugs are really expansive. // Do you take drugs? // Really interesting.

Baldiri: He talked about the hooliganism. The ethimology is from Patrick Hooligan. He talked about football hooliganism. It is very useful in Europe and Latin America. // Why do you choose this topic? // Good

Anna and Miriam: they talked about poverty and patronage. 20% of the population controls 83% of the wealth. And also they talked about ONG Vicenç Ferrer. // Do you think we can change that? // Good, really interesting.

Oriol: he talked about the water. The people waste a lot of water? // Do you think that this situation can change? // Really interesting-

Chainez: she talked about the poverty. // What we can do to help these people? // Good.

OLIVER TWIST by Roman Polanski

OLIVER TWIST by Roman Polanski

Oliver was a boy who lives in a orphanage. Oliver and his friends were straving. Later, Oliver went to work with Sowerberry, a gravedigger. But he argued with a boy in the house and he escaped.

He waked a lot and tired and enthusiastically, he arrived to Londres. There, he knew a boy who is called Arthful Dodger and he offer to Oliver a place which he could slept.

But Arthful is not a normal boy, he is a criminal and he showed to Oliver how to do it. With Arthful, Oliver knew another boys who worked for a criminal.

But finally the criminal died, and all the boys were free, also Oliver Twist.

I think it is a really good film and I recomend to you to look it. But I have to say that the book is better. Roman Polanski is a very good director and this film too. I see it a lot of times!! jeje
So that you have an idea about Polanski, I tell you that he also directed another film, The Pianist.

extraterrestrial dialogue

Sope: what's this world? I never had seen a world like this. Do you know what is it?
Sate: Wait a minute, I'm going to look it up.
(A few minutes later...)
Sate: Oh! Here! I find it! This world is the Earth. The enciclpoedy says that the Earth have a lot of water, but people who live here waste it a lot.
Sope: Oh! It's horrible! How can they do this?
Sate: I don't know... and look here. It also says that there are a lot os exotic animals, but they are in danger of extinction.
Sope: What are exotic animals? Like us? With three eyes, four legs and four arms and with a very big mouth?
Sate: I think that they only have two legs and two mouths, bu they also have four arms, like us. But if you wait a minute I will look it up.
(Sope look up what are exotic animals)
Sope: Go quickly! I am so hungry!
Sate: Here! Exotic animals... oh!...
Sope: What happen?
Sate: The enciclopedy only says that they are in danger of extinction.
Sope: It doesn't matter Sate. Now, I only can think in food, because I am very hungry. Do you?
Sate: Yes, I am hungry too. What can we eat? We haven't got meet.
Sope: We are going to the Earth. Here, there are a lot of meet. We can eat them.
Sate: Yes, it's true. The people who live in this world eat a lof of meet of pigs, goats etc...
Sope: But we love animals. We can't eat them.
Sate: But people, the humans, are meet. We can eat them.
Sope: Yes! Come on!
(They arrive at the Earth, and they land in the middle of a park)
Sope: What we are?
Sate: I think it is a park. But I'm not sure.
(Sope is eating a tree...)
Sope: Yes... we can eat trees...but I think the meet of people could be better.
(Sope continues eating trees and Sate find a couple)
Sate: It seems very delicious.
(And later Sate eat them)
Sate: I'm right. They had been really delicious.
Sope: What are you eating?
Sate: I ate two humans.
(The police went to the park and Sate and Sope have to leave the world)
Sope: These people are so agressive... Where are we going to?
Sate: To Pluton. We can eat ice-creams there.


Doing exams

Doing exams

It is true that it is important for us, because if we don't do the exams, the teachers can't evaluate us.
In the one hand I think that when the students have a lot of exams, one exam per day, they will be very stressed.
The students have a lot of work in their own houses and also they have a lot of homework and I think they can't do all these work.
In the other hand, I disagree about one thing. When the teachers know we have a lot of exams, they can try to put a little bit of homework.
In conclusion, I agree with one thing. The teachers have to evaluate us, and the way to do it, is donig exams.

divendres, 6 de juny del 2008

Oral presentation 3

(Robert, I don't know what happen, but I can't put the video of my oral presentation)

Animal mistreatness

Hello everybody! Today I will talk you about the animal mistreatness.
I have to say that I didn’t put some photos because it’s sad and very pitiful.
People only worry about their animals, but the others, what? All of them say that they can’t stand the animal mistreatness, but nobody does anything.
There are some ways to mistreat the animals:
1) Some animals are abandoned, either in the middle of the mountain or of a big city. Even there are some of them that are abandoned in their own house, because they don’t have food, water, hygiene or attention....
2) There are a lot of poachers that kill the animals to get their fur and obtaining benefits. The poachers haven’t got scruples and they only hunt for entertainment and they only get to damage the animal fauna. Because of that there are some animals in danger of extinction. A lot of them have died. But nowadays, a lot of governments put laws for avoiding it.
3) Experimentation with animals: every year, thousand of animals are used and sacrificed for experimental intentions, in the name of the science and the research. This includes: pharmacological industry, medical, chemical, food, biogenetics, veterinary ... In Europe, the annual figure is more than 11.000.000. In USA, it is more than 100 millions.
Examples of the animals with which they experiment: dogs, horses, birds, fishes, rats, goats, primates...
With this video you will see what means what I have told you. (veure video)
4) Acts of entertainment: there are illegal fights of dogs because their owners think that it is funny, but it isn’t. At first, the owners train the dogs or cocks and afterwards they prepare the fights. The men who train them don’t have scruples and because of that, some dogs become aggressive and unbalanced animals. During the fights, the public throw objects to the animals so they follow the fight. The owners close the animals in a ring. The fight finishes when one of the animals is casualty or exhausted. If the losing one has been humiliated, the owner can decide to kill the animals by a shot or cutting their neck. But, some of the winners die because of the injuries.

I put an example for you so that you check that everybody does this: the King of Spain made a polar bear drunk. The organizings of hunting gave to polar bear vodka with honey. The King was be able to kill Mitrofan, the polar bear in captivity, with a shot.

There are some charities to defend the rights of the animals. One of the most famous is PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals).
It is one of the greatest organizations in the world. It was set up in 1980. PETA is dedicated to establish and defend the rights of all animals. PETA promotes kind treatment of animals. Its philosophy is: “the animals aren’t ours to eat, wear, to do experiments or to be used for entertainment. “ If you want to be a member of them you can go on their site.

(I think my oral presentation was good, because it is topic of present. Maybe my pronuntation wasn't very good, because I have a very catalan accent, but the vocabulary I think it was good. I think it is a very good topic to talk about, because a lot of people have animals in their own houses)