diumenge, 10 de maig del 2009

My English competece in 2009

For choosing my best oral evidnce I have some problems becase I think the majority are so good. These last podcasts I choose two. The frist is the one that talks about Palestina and Israel. And the second is the one that talks about Pepe Bottle and Napo Bonaparte. I think that there are really serious and funny.
I think that in the blog all the entries are good. But I think that those that talks about sport, specially basketball, are better than the others.
The podcasts: http://ariii9110portfolio.blogspot.com/2009/04/podcast.html
The written evidences: http://ariadna11.blogspot.com/2009/05/final-four-berlin-2009.html

I choose these written evidences because I know the sports novelties very well so I can explain more things about that than another person. And I choose these podcasts because I like them a lot, one because it talks about a very important war in the world, and in the second because I think it's really funny.
I think that all of this works are really good because I did them with all I learn in the classes. I use imagination, new words and expressions, fluency in the recorders and work in group.

My English 2007-2009

It's true that I learn English a lot: readings, listening, writings etc.
In my last descrpition to the teacher I explain more things about me and about what I'm doing these year. The first one was short and very easy to understand.
Comparing my first oral presentation with the last one, I have to say that there are a lot of difference. Now the orals have more maturity and more length. The fluency has improved a lot, I'm not so much nervous like before. Definitively, I talk with more calm and better.
I have to say that this year is the most intensive one. Because of that, it's in which I learnt more.
I know that for me learning English is difficult but the oral presentations I done these two years of batxillerat I learn a lot for pass the selectivitat and for my life.

divendres, 8 de maig del 2009


French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said that "the best things people have made are all things that bring people together". Discuss this statement and say what are your mind, the best things people have made. Would you say that Internet make our social life richer or poorer?

At first, I have to say that Saint-Exupéry is right. Some of the things that we invented are for bring people together. Most of them but not all.
For example, the aireplane I agree with him. It's an invention which bring people together because it allows you going to everywhere you want. It's a very useful thing.
Also the telephone is very important for everybody. It brings all together, because it allows you talking with you family or your friends everywhere you are.
But, in the other hand I think that there are other inventions which are less useful. For example: Internet. I agree that Internet is useful to know people from around the world. It's true that you can find information in the net but it isn't the same that being there. The airplane can bring you there, Internet only nears you in that place.
In conclusion, I have to recognizing that most of the inventions of humans are useful, but some more than the other.

diumenge, 3 de maig del 2009

News 3: The swine flue

The swine flue is spreading around the world. This flue is made of three other different flues: the first one belongs to humans, the second one to the pigs and the third one to the chikens. These kind of flues are mixed inside the pigs. Everybody becomes infected for respiratory way, so we have to take a mask.
The flue begins in Mèxic and iy spread first in USA, where are 85 cases , in New Zeland, where are 4 cases, and in Canada, where are 85 cases.
Right now, in Spain there are 40 cases, but no one have died because of swine flue. The first one appeared in Bilbao and two more in Girona.
But also there are some other countries around the world which are infected people: Germany, Israel, UK, France, Austria, Denmark, Colombia, Hong Kong and others.
I think that all countries have to take measures for preventing the flue. Only there was deaths in Mèxic and USA, but everybody is worried about this flue.