diumenge, 10 de maig del 2009

My English 2007-2009

It's true that I learn English a lot: readings, listening, writings etc.
In my last descrpition to the teacher I explain more things about me and about what I'm doing these year. The first one was short and very easy to understand.
Comparing my first oral presentation with the last one, I have to say that there are a lot of difference. Now the orals have more maturity and more length. The fluency has improved a lot, I'm not so much nervous like before. Definitively, I talk with more calm and better.
I have to say that this year is the most intensive one. Because of that, it's in which I learnt more.
I know that for me learning English is difficult but the oral presentations I done these two years of batxillerat I learn a lot for pass the selectivitat and for my life.

1 comentari:

KST TEACHERS ha dit...

Ariadna, I feel so proud of you !
You said you've learnt a lot to pass your exams and " for life" !! well, that's the best comment I could have ever imagined from a student !!
Thank you and good luck.