diumenge, 3 de maig del 2009

News 3: The swine flue

The swine flue is spreading around the world. This flue is made of three other different flues: the first one belongs to humans, the second one to the pigs and the third one to the chikens. These kind of flues are mixed inside the pigs. Everybody becomes infected for respiratory way, so we have to take a mask.
The flue begins in Mèxic and iy spread first in USA, where are 85 cases , in New Zeland, where are 4 cases, and in Canada, where are 85 cases.
Right now, in Spain there are 40 cases, but no one have died because of swine flue. The first one appeared in Bilbao and two more in Girona.
But also there are some other countries around the world which are infected people: Germany, Israel, UK, France, Austria, Denmark, Colombia, Hong Kong and others.
I think that all countries have to take measures for preventing the flue. Only there was deaths in Mèxic and USA, but everybody is worried about this flue.