dijous, 25 de setembre del 2008

My description!

Hi Lourdes!!

This year I started to train basketball at the end of July. Now I'm playing in Roses and in Castelló, yeah, with two teams. I train five days a week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and two on Friday. At the weekend I play two matches, one with Roses and one with Esplais, Castelló. This Saturday I play with Rosas vs. Salt, and on Sunday I play in Lloret de Mar with Esplais. I'm sure that on Sunday's night I will be really tired!!! But, I love this game, this sport excites me ... jajaj

I know that I'm studying 2ond of "batxillerat", even so I will study very hard. I'm studying Greek and Latin, and Catalan literature etc... I like what I'm studying and I know that it's difficult, so I study really hard, and next year go to university. I don't know what I'll do next year yet. But I have time to decide it. Maybe I'll study History, or classical philology, I don't know. jaja

I'm happy to start the school, because I see all my friends again, after the summer. I didn't work this summer, but I do my "treball de recerca". My "tdr" is about the Jewish culture in Castelló d'Empúries. I decided for this subject because my house's a synagogue. It's true!!! My grandfather found a tile with a date of 1361..I don't remeber exactly the date, but mor or lees... from XIV century. I love the History. :):)

Ariadna Comas